poe.fish aims to be a reliable source for information regarding fishing in Path of Exile. Currently, fishing information is spread out across Reddit threads, Reddit comments, Discord, and sparse wikis. Information on the site is currently merged from all the aforementioned sources with references at the end of each page. This site aims to be a starting reference for most information you need to get started searching for Fishing Rods and other rare fishing items and events in Path of Exile.
Please note this site is a huge work in progress, and there is a ton of missing content. We will do our best to get together as much information as possible to help you in your journey.
Don't forget you can swap between common navigation items and a tree-based browser using the navigation on the left and clicking "Browse."
Enjoy the hunt for the fish, exile.
Currently, there's no way for guests to modify or add information to poe.fish. If you have any suggestions you can contact me on Discord at darin#0001 or email me at [email protected]
If you are a known, trusted contributor to the Fishcord or Reddit fishing communities, I can set you up with an account that will let you make edits and create new pages on poe.fish. Just contact me on Discord with the above handle.
If you're interested in more in-depth reading and conversations with other fishers in Path of Exile, join the Fishcord community on Discord. The Fishcord contains more detailed information, testing cases, media, and tens of thousands of messages that are all easily searchable. If you can't find your answer here, you can likely find it in the Fishcord. If you still can't find what you're looking for, there's a plethora of members always looking to help out.